Pokemon Destined Rivals releasing in May - Card List, Spoilers and More!

Published Mar 24 2025 - 1:07pm Updated Mar 24 2025 0 Comments 18 Images
1 min read
Total Cards Senior Editor
Pokemon Destined Rivals releasing in May - Card List, Spoilers and More!

The 10th Scarlet & Violet set has just been announced, and Team Rocket are blasting back onto the TCG scene in Destined Rivals! Releasing on the 30th of May, this set will be comprised of Japan's Hot Air Arena and The Glory of Team Rocket. This set was teased at Latin America's Gamescom event, which showed the Brazilian Portuguese logo and a selection of artwork.

As per any core set from Pokemon, we can expect the works - Booster boxes, Elite Trainer Boxes, Checklanes, 3-Pack Blisters and more. We also expect this set to be incredibly popular, especially as we're close to closing out the Scarlet & Violet era for the TCG to usher in Pokemon Legends Z-A and the return of Mega Pokemon.

We know that Destined Rivals is going to include Cynthia's Garchomp, Ethan's Ho-Oh, Giovanni's MewTwo and a selection of Team Rocket Executives and Grunts from the artwork, and can get an idea of what cards to expect with the trickling reveals from the two Japanese counterpart sets. Furthermore, we're likely to see cards included from the Japanese Marnie & Steven decks (despite them also releasing in English Language!)

The set description is as follows:

Pokémon Trainers, be on high alert!

The nefarious Team Rocket is setting its latest plan into motion, and heroic Trainers are racing to stop it. Join forces with the likes of Cynthia and Garchomp ex, Ethan and Ho-Oh ex, or Arven and Mabosstiff ex… Or reconsider your loyalties and fight alongside Team Rocket’s Pokémon like Mewtwo ex—under the command of Giovanni! Choose a side, assemble your allies, and battle boldly in the Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet—Destined Rivals expansion!

Little else is known about the set at this moment in time, but stay tuned for more information surrounding Destined Rivals - and sign up to pre-orders on our site today!

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Article Author AJ Fraser
AJ Fraser - Total Cards Editor
AJ is the Digital Marketing Team Lead at Total Cards, where they manage the daily tasks surrounding our digital communication with our customers via social media, newsletters and more! They also have a great love for anything and everything The Last Of Us (including two tattoos!), and spend their spare time playing video games or telling the Total Cards team about their chickens' antics.

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