In the mythical age of ancient Egypt, powerful gods deploy their forces into battles for dominance of the land! The goal of these battles is to crush all rival gods and win the eternal devotion of the people of Egypt!
Choose your actions
Build your pyramids
Buy your powers and your mythical creatures
Fight and take control of the temples
Frequently Asked Questions
How many players can play KEMET Blood & Sand
KEMET Blood & Sand is designed to be flexible in terms of player capacity. It is
recommended for 2 to 5 players. This range allows for a variety of gameplay
- 2 Players: Enjoy a strategic
and intense one-on-one duel where every move counts.
- 3-5 Players: Experience a more dynamic
game with increased interaction, alliances, and diverse strategies.
This flexibility makes KEMET Blood & Sand suitable for different occasions, whether you
are looking for a quiet game night with a single friend or a more social and interactive session with a
small group.