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Pathfinder Adventure - Malevolence

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Pathfinder Adventure - Malevolence

The house has stood abandoned on its lonely hilltop, brooding quietly over the ruins of a once-thriving town for decades. No one has lived within its walls since the night a terrific storm flooded the coastal town below—and since a tragedy struck down the noble family that once dwelt within—but now, the mansion has attracted the attention of a curious group of adventurers. What is the truth behind the tragic past that empowers the evil that grips the mansion today, and what might happen to the world of Golarion if the sinister influences that grow within these haunted walls are allowed to build beyond the breaking point?

Malevolence is a horror-themed adventure for 3rd-level characters written by James Jacobs featuring sinister new monsters, mysterious magical items and spells to discover, and a fully-detailed haunted house for players to explore, exorcise, and endure. With an immersive method of researching the history and truths of the mansion's macabre secrets through visions, dreams, and good-old-fashioned ghost-hunting and investigation, Malevolence is ready to test the limits of any heroic party's bravery!

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Pathfinder Adventure - Malevolence
Frequently Asked Questions

What are these?

An adventure for tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) is a pre-written scenario or campaign that provides a storyline, setting, and challenges for players to navigate. These adventures are designed to guide Game Masters (GMs) and players through a cohesive narrative with defined objectives and encounters.

How do I choose the right adventure for my TTRPG group?

Choosing the right adventure depends on your group's interests, experience level, and preferred play style. Consider the genre (fantasy, sci-fi, horror, etc.), the complexity of the adventure, and the time commitment required. Reading reviews and summaries can help you find an adventure that suits your group's preferences.

Are there adventures suitable for beginners in TTRPGs?

Yes, many TTRPG adventures are designed specifically for beginners, offering simple mechanics and straightforward storylines. These introductory adventures help new players and Game Masters learn the basics of the game while enjoying an engaging narrative.

Can I modify a pre-written adventure to fit my TTRPG campaign?

Absolutely! Pre-written adventures can be customized to better fit your campaign's setting, characters, and overarching plot. Game Masters are encouraged to tweak encounters, NPCs, and story elements to create a more personalized experience for their players.

What types of challenges are included in TTRPG adventures?

TTRPG adventures typically include a variety of challenges such as combat encounters, puzzles, traps, social interactions, and exploration. These challenges are designed to test different skills and abilities, encouraging players to think creatively and work together to overcome obstacles.

Where can I buy TTRPG adventures?

You can buy TTRPG adventures from here or from or Gaming Centre .

How long does it typically take to complete a TTRPG adventure?

The length of time it takes to complete a TTRPG adventure can vary widely depending on the complexity of the storyline and the pace of the group. Some adventures can be completed in a single session, while others may span multiple sessions or even a full campaign lasting several months.

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