The Lord of the Rings - Battle of Osgiliath™

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The Lord of the Rings - Battle of Osgiliath™

Before the dread armies of Mordor can lay siege to Minas Tirith, they must first take and hold the port city of Osgiliath, allowing them to move massive amounts of supplies and legions of warriors. While the steward of Gondor’s throne remains in relative comfort, he sends his second son, Faramir, and many of Gondor's most trusted warriors to defend it against all odds. Will they hold the line, or will the inexorable forces of Evil overwhelm them?

The Battle for Osgiliath is your gateway to collecting, painting, and gaming in Middle-earth. Step into this epic battle and take command of the forces of Gondor as they fight desperately to defend their homeland, or the legions of Mordor, who seek to destroy the free peoples once and for all. This box contains 54 models split into two balanced armies – one Good, one Evil – and all the rules you need to play games of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, plus accessories and dice. It’s a complete game in a box!

The Miniatures

The Forces of Good
– Faramir™, Captain of Gondor
– Madril, Captain of Ithilien
– Damrod, Ranger of Ithilien
– 12 Warriors of Minas Tirith™ clad in heavy armour to hold the line and wielding a variety of weapons
– 12 Rangers of Gondor™, equipped to pick off their enemies from the shadows with sturdy bows before cutting them down with sword and spear

The Forces of Evil
– Gothmog™, Lieutenant of Sauron™, both mounted on his oversized Warg™, and another model showing him on foot
– 24 heavily-armoured Morannon™ Orcs with shields and wicked melee weapons
– 1 armoured Mordor™ Troll, swinging a gargantuan hammer

The Scenery
– 2 sets of modular battlescarred Gondor™ Ruins, building four large pieces. They can also be combined to create larger structures

The Rules
This box contains the complete, unabridged 224-page hardback Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual, packed with essential rules, guides and information covering Open, Narrative and Matched Play with your Middle-earth™ miniatures. This edition has been updated to include the latest updates and balance adjustments, making it the most current and complete ruleset. Everything from the basic fundamentals of movement and combat through to fielding siege engines and casting magical powers is here, in a simple format with annotated diagrams and photographs demonstrating the flow of battle. You’ll also find beautifully-painted armies to inspire you!

The box also contains a 16-page booklet with all the scenarios and profiles you need to recreate the Battle of Osgiliath with your models. Four Scenarios allow you to play through a linked mini campaign – The Orcs Cross the Anduin, Ambush!, The Hunter or The Hunted?, and Fall Back to Minas Tirith!

The Accessories
– 12 6-sided dice in two colours
– A range ruler
– A double-sided sheet of punch-out tokens, used in game to denote effects and statuses of models.

Additional information
The Lord of the Rings - Battle of Osgiliath™
Games Workshop
Frequently Asked Questions

What are miniatures used for in tabletop games?

Miniatures are small, detailed models used in tabletop games to represent characters, creatures, and scenery. They enhance the visual experience and aid in gameplay by providing a physical representation of game elements.

How do I paint my miniatures?

Painting miniatures involves several steps: priming the miniature with a base coat, applying base colors, adding details with fine brushes, and finishing with a protective sealant. Many hobbyists use acrylic paints and invest in quality brushes for the best results. You can pick some up from our Paints Section

What materials are miniatures typically made from?

Miniatures are commonly made from plastic, resin, or metal. Each material has its own advantages; plastic is lightweight and affordable, resin captures fine details well, and metal miniatures are durable and have a classic feel.

How can I start collecting miniatures?

Start by choosing a game or genre that interests you. Purchase a starter set or a few miniatures to begin with, and gradually expand your collection. Joining local gaming groups or online communities can provide valuable advice and support.

Where can I buy miniatures?

Miniatures can be purchased from Here. As well as from Hobby shops like our Gaming Centre, or at Conventions, or Games Workshop

What are some tips for assembling miniatures?

Use a hobby knife or clippers to carefully remove pieces from sprues. Dry fit parts before gluing to ensure proper alignment, and use a plastic or super glue appropriate for the material. Allow glued parts to fully dry before handling. All of these can be found Here

Can miniatures be used in different games?

While some miniatures are specific to certain games, many can be used across different tabletop games and RPGs, especially if they fit the theme or setting. Check the scale and style to ensure compatibility.

How should I store and transport my miniatures?

Store miniatures in a cool, dry place, ideally in a protective case with individual compartments to prevent damage. When transporting, use foam trays or padded bags to cushion the miniatures and keep them secure.

Are there any beginner-friendly miniature painting tutorials?

Yes, there are many beginner-friendly tutorials available online. Websites, YouTube channels, and hobby blogs often provide step-by-step guides and videos to help newcomers learn painting techniques and improve their skills.

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