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Iberian Gauge

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Releases on 28 February, 2022
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Iberian Gauge

The morning stretches over the tops of the tall, rugged mountains that dominate the Iberian Peninsula. Hammers ring, iron on iron, fighting stubbornly for every inch of new track against the unforgiving and unyielding terrain. The age of the railroad is coming to Iberia, but it won’t be easy…

In Iberian Gauge, you will invest in railroad companies during Stock Rounds. In the Operating Rounds, each share of stock allows the shareholder to build track for that company, in the order those shares were purchased. But building in such hostile terrain is expensive! Leasing track from other companies reduces cost and keeps your railroads expanding. Failure to expand will sink your stock values, leading to ruin!

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Iberian Gauge
Capstone Games
Frequently Asked Questions

How many players can play Iberian Gauge

Iberian Gauge is designed to be flexible in terms of player capacity. It is recommended for 3 to 5 players. This range allows for a variety of gameplay experiences:

This flexibility makes Iberian Gauge suitable for different occasions, whether you are looking for a quiet game night with a single friend or a more social and interactive session with a small group.

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