Go head to head with Marvel Vs System!

Published May 22 2021 - 8:00pm Updated Apr 12 2024 0 Comments
1 min read
Total Cards Senior Editor
Go head to head with Marvel Vs System!

In Vs. System 2PCG, players choose a main character, build a deck with exactly sixty cards, and attempt to stun the other player's main character in a game of superhero battle. Vs System 2PCG: The Marvel Battles is superficially similar to the original Vs. System collectible card game, but is a completely rebuilt game that takes some inspiration from the original. Combat has been streamlined, the turn structure is different, the resource system has been revamped, and the game is no longer collectible, with cards instead being released in a non-random format. A single box contains a full play-set of all cards.

We currently have the following sets available:

  • The Civil War Battles
  • Thunderbolts
  • Secret Avengers
  • H.A.M.M.E.R.
  • Resistance
  • The Fantastic Battles
  • Freedom Force
  • Power & Reality
  • Many More

Check out the related products section below to place an order for these awesome sets. Alternatively, you can view our entire range of card games by clicking the button below. If you're searching for a specific item on our store and it isn't in stock, you can get in contact via our social media or the comments below and let us know, and we'll do our very best to get it in stock for you.