Recreate epic battles with Flames of War

Published Jan 20 2021 - 4:30pm Updated Mar 29 2024 0 Comments
1 min read
Total Cards Senior Editor
Recreate epic battles with Flames of War

Flames of War is an epic recreation of WWII combat in miniature. Each model faithfully recreates a portion of military history such as an powerful tank or machine gun platoon. The game focuses on company level battles and features all of the main forces of the European, Pacific and North African Theatres such as American, British, and German units. Not only does Flames of War produce awesome models, they also make scenery, terrain and dice to give an extra boost to your tabletop experience.

A great place to start with for a beginner is the British Starter Force: Desert Rats Squadron which a ton of awesome tank pieces to get you started:

  • 5 Cromwell Tanks
  • 2 Firefly (17 pdr) Tanks
  • 3 Crocodile Tanks
  • 4 Stuart Tanks
  • 1 Paratrooper Platoon
  • 3 Universal Carriers
  • 4 25 pdr Guns
  • 2 M10 Tank Destroyers
  • 1 Complete A5 Rulebook
  • 1 British “Start Here” Booklet
  • 2 Decal Sheets
  • 17 Unit Cards

After you have a basis for your collection you are ready to play or expand your forces with more great models.

Check out the awesome Flames of War sets in the related products section below or view our entire range of miniatures


Article Author Matt Farmer
Matt Farmer - Total Cards Editor
Matt is the News Editor at Total Cards, where he spends his time reporting on the biggest stories in the world of TCG's and beyond. He enjoys spending his spare time being a forever DM, he has a vast knowledge of all things Dungeons & Dragons, and has a keen eye for great board games!

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